SPELLCASTER, what can I say about this book. Well, first off it wasn't the greatest witch book I ever read. Claudia Gray is also the other of a series called Evernight. That series was okay. I didn't finish it through-got bored. This book had a good plot and the characters were good. I just don't think the delivery of the story was the best it could be. I got bored with some parts and couldn't really understand how Nadia's- the main character- powers worked. That was my main problem with this book. I finished the book. I loved the love part of the book and the villain was AWESOME and truly evil. I don't want to name the character s because names are a major part of unravelling the story.
There are some funny parts if the story. Nadia's story was very well developed. I was able to really connect with her character. The story is told in a couple different points of view. In Nadia, Mateo, Nadia's dad, Verlaine, and Elizabeth.
As a witch, Nadia, has to follow certain rules called the First Laws. I like the background of this witch story. No men know of the craft. Good witches are called witches and those who follow The One Beneath are called something different. Like all stories there are character's that will never be liked whether it's the jerk of a best friend or the villain. I didn't like a mute stranger who went by the name Ginger. When you read about her tell me what you think. Don't get me wrong what she did may have been justified but it was not right in any way.
There was a good number of spells in this book. The set up off the spells however left me very confused and I still am. I'd tell you why but it's something you have to learn on your own.
Mateo and Nadia were in her attic ALONE one day after Mateo got a messed up hair cut that left his head lop sided. Nadia decided to cut it.
" He said only, "You've cut hair before, right?"
"Sure. Plenty of times." No need to tell him that the hair she'd cut belonged to her old Barbie dolls, which all look demented afterward."
Funny and cute. Their love story was cute and sometimes annoying. Their I love you's sucked raw eggs but throughout the story you could feel them falling in love as you fell in love with them.Before I go I would like everyone to take notice that Nadia's mom is a grade a b****.
That's all we have time for folks. Join me next time when I review Crash Into You by Katie McGarry. The author of Pushing the Limit, Crossing the Line, and Dare You To. I've read both Pushing the Limit and Dare You To. I loved them both and I'm looking forward to this book
TTYL readers
BTW: I rate this book 3 stars