
Thursday, January 19, 2017

King Cave by Dawn Scarlett

Image result for king caveYUMMMY!!! If there is one thing you take from my review. Know that this book is a sandwich of YUMMY scenes. Differently new adult and not suited for the young. You have been warned.

Mrs. Scarlett has done it again.

Sadly we ended King Hall with the epic battle. We lost friends that we were just beginning to like. We begin with our friends traveling to King Cave.

There are a lot of developments in this story. We watch relationships grow and blossom. We lose those we love and those we could have loved.

We get to meet new faces, a lot of Elders, and Ezra's parents. A lot of the Elders are stuck in their old ways. Ezra's parents are funny and sweet at times. They're Vamps so they do well with the whole "dark and mysterious" thing.

Remember that forbidden love I promised you. There is a whole lot of romance and non-romance happening between two of our favorite characters, Ezra and Lily. I just love their relationship. The fact that they built their romance on top of a well developed relationship is just AMAZING. They were my favorite part of this book. They had a bumpy start filled with ups and downs. There were a few hiccups and misunderstanding but they try. You fall in love with reading their love story

The Mys World prepares for the war with the Commoners. This book puts a major focus on the relationships in the Mys community unlike the first which focused on the Mys relationship with the Commoners. At the end of the book, it mentioned the Mys and Commoners officially at war. I believe the third book will be like the first- focusing on both worlds.

Scarlett once again fills our life with romance, adventure, action, and betrayal. All the key elements to a good story

The first was a must read and the second does not disappoint.
Stay tuned for the third book

Gotta love it ;)

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

King Hall by Dawn Scarlett

Image result for king hallI just have to put it out there, I was very reluctant to read this book. I didn't know what to except and honestly I was scared. Let me be the first to tell you this book was freaking AMAZING. Start to finish AWESOMEsauseNESS!!!!

Scarlett creates a new world of Mysticals and Commoners.  Mys, for short, are classified into four parts. There are the Vamps, the Shifters, the Elements, and the Mages. Each classification is ruled by a King or Queen. The Commoners are humans with no Mys background.

Our main character Lily, goes to King Hall University. A special school for Mysticals. There is a common Mys. She is mated to the next king Prodigy Dominic. 

Lily's whole world changes when she attends the assembly announcing the next Prodigies. Here mate Dominic get called to be the next King Shifter. 

This book is show large but jabbed with information. You don't even notice the pages flying by. We get to meet many interesting characters in this book. Each King has a different personality with many different values. The other Prodigies Ezra, the Vamp, Pearl, the Mage, and Jack, the Elemental.

This book is back to back action and Mrs. Dawn has graced us with the gift of skipping the uneventful parts. This book has skipped weeks and months but you feel like you lived them all.

This story was so good I didn't want to put it down. However, this pest called COLLEGE kept getting in my way.

As the book progresses you can tell that the new King's and Queens are going to set to rules for the Mys World. 

Scarlett throws out many elements into this world.  

KING HALL is filled with love, heartbreak, secrets, reveals, a little bit of forbidden love, and a whole lot of friendship.

This is a new-adult, coming-of-age, type story. There are of course adult situations and language.

This book gives us a new world to fall in love with


Gotta run...🤸🤸🤸🏃🏃🏃

PS: There is a type of love story coming. So if your are looking for it in the first book don't expect much but stay tuned there is LOVE on the way.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Sentinel by Jennifer L. Armtrout

Image result for deity by jennifer l armentroutIt is time  to say GOODBYE. The final battle is upon us. 

Everyone knows how messed up Alex was after her "talk" with Ares. Now she is trying to figure out how to move forward. There appears to be something inside her. Three guesses on what it is.

Aiden and Alex's relationship is threatened by an inside force.

Like in any war, lives are put on the line. Everyone is coming together to defeat this god. 

We get to see a new side of Seth.

Be prepared for death, friendship, and a Happily Ever After

Thank you Mrs. Armentrout for giving us a story- a world- to fall in love with.

It's be real...

""They're going to tell stories about us." Aiden lowered his head, kissing me softly, deeply, and so lovingly that tears pricked my eyes. "They already are."

Until next time...

Apollyon by Jennifer L. Armtrout

Related imageBook 4 of the Covenant Series

Can I hate Seth? Seriously, can I hate him because this connection between the First and the Second is so freaking strong. So strong!

But like every other time in this series Aiden and Alex aren't far apart. They are together and fighting was always.

Personally recommend reading Elixir. It is the story told in Aiden's P.O.V. It  fills in some of the gaps in the story.

I don't want to tell to much of the story because this is one you have to experience for yourself. I will say that we see a new side and Aiden, Alex, and Aiden and Alex. We also get to know more of the friends we have collected like Solos. We lose someone. There is a reveal that you say but didn't see coming and like always a lovely, I-want-to-kill-somebody cliff-hanger.

Deity by Jennifer L Armtrout

Book 3 of Convenant Series 

Image result for deity by jennifer l armentroutDecisions have been made and now the Second must live with the consequences of her actions. Granted, I believe she made the wrong decision but what do I know, I'm just a fan girl. 

There was a a lot going on in this book. Personally, I thought that after Aiden's sacrifice there would be no more Seth. I love Seth as a character but I don't like his hinted position in a love triangle. There is only room for one love interest in my- I mean Alex's life.

What else happened... oh yeah someone is still trying to kill Alex. Seth and Alex grow closer but they still have a dark, brooding, totally in love with Alex ghost in their way. But I'm not going to name names

When Aiden and Alex get a moment alone it's crazy. Literally, they can't keep their hands off of each other. Plus these "alone" moments give them a chance to build their relationship.

The betrayals keep on rolling in. We meet some old friends and find out some truths that we didn't know before.

One of my favorite scenes was learning Aiden's story.

Aiden and Alex had this lovely scene is a dark room in which they talked about their fears. Aiden's fear:

"He drew in a deep, shuddering breath. "I'm afraid of never being allowed to feel what I do"

The feels- all the feels

There was also a point in which Alex describes how she feels about Seth and Aiden.

"But my love for Seth was nothing like what it was for Aiden. It didn't consume me, didn't make me want to do crazy things, be reckless, and in the same breath, be safer and more cautious. My heart, my body didn't respond in the same way."

And that should put all "love triangle" rumors to bed

That's all folks :D

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Half Blood by Jennifer L. Armentrout

This book starts off with Alex, out main character on the run. She is being chased by a creature called daimon. Eventually she is captured by Aiden who we learn is a Sentinel for the Covenant. Alex is a half blood who's main goal in life is to be a Sentinel. With her mom died and Aiden's crew capturing her she has no choice but to return to the Covenant- a school for half-bloods and their superiors the pure-bloods.
The Council of this secret society has very fun rules. One of them being that half-bloods and pures can be in relationships. If a couple is found out the half-blood gets turned into a soulless servant and the pure receives a "slap on the wrist"

Image result for half-blood by jennifer l. armentroutAlex missed three years of school so the only choice for her is to become a servant. However Aiden offers to train her thus her adventure begins.

We spend the story getting to know her, Aiden, Lea- her arch nemesis, Jackson- the flirt, and Caleb- the best friend. Alex spends the summer trying to catch up with her defense training so that she can go back to school and graduate with her class. During that summer she has to learn control and the true value of sacrifice.

This book is filled with action, adventure and a little romance between Aiden and Alex. They have stolen moments of sweetness and danger.

There is always someone lurking around with a devious plan and although we don't know yet, we readers know that betrayal is on the way. Alex does find out a potentially dangerous secret and reacts in an equally dangerous manner.

Definitely A MUST READ. It's young adult with a edge of new adult. It's fun and keeps you entertained through the whole book. Jennifer Armentrout has done it again.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Fire in the Darkness by Stacey Marie Brown

Image result for fire in the darkness site:goodreads.comThis book continues right where  Darkness of Light left off. 

Ember is on the run. After the disaster she caused, then her escape from the Queen, everything and every one is after her. But it doesn't take long for a certain green-eyed demon to find his girl. Eli, of course takes her back to their compound. A good amount of the book is spent on this compound. Eli and Ember repair their relationship and build on it. Ember learns more truths and a lie. And you want be able to tell which is which.

"Shaking my head, I moved in closer. I didn't get Eli. Sometimes he treated me like an object to be tossed away after use. Then other times, like this, he helped me protect myself- from the exact thing I needed to defend myself from- him."

This book really focused on giving us the history of the Dae and the Fae World. 

Ember is eventually kidnapped by none to her than the UnSeelie King himself, Lars. Lars isn't all bad. He finds people to train Ember and even offers to help rescue her friends from the Queen, Aneira. The second half of the book is mostly on Lars' compound. 

However being on the compound kept her away from Eli- who was never far behind.

"My heart smacked against my ribs and my insides twisted into knots. Mindful he posed no real threat, I still was cautious. His glower slowly moved over my body, his eyes and face full of dark emotion. My body was aware of every inch of what Eli scrutinized and even more aware of the effect he still had on me. In comparison, my hormonal lust for Nic seemed mediocre at best. Air no longer pumped in and out of my frozen chest. Out eyes stayed locked on each other for several minutes and my body trembled."

Lorcan still won't give up his never ending search to find a way back to the Fae world. It is hard to tell where his true loyalties lie but I'm sure all will be revealed.

On the plus side, there is a prophecy. And like every good prophecy not everything is as it seems.

And of course just when Ember was trying to move forward in her life, she learns of yet another lie told to her by those she cares for. So what does she do- she acts on her uncontrolled emotions and jumps into a portal to rescue her family and friends

We get to see more of our favorites like Ken, Jared, Ryan, Josh, Cooper, even West makes a much needed appears. We also dive a little deeper into her relationship with Torin. However, I'm still not claiming a love triangle.

"The more time I spent with Torin, the more natural it felt being with him. I couldn't deny he made me feel safe and protected. Even in his limited way, I knew he would do anything for me. He had risked his life helping me escape the Queen a few weeks back. Just seeing me now put him in jeopardy. He was the only one I could turn to."

All and all not the most exciting book but if you want it's important in order to have all the information. Then again it may all be a lie

Good luck figuring it all out.