Angels! I love angels. Personally, I like fallen angels more than angelic angels but who am I to judge because I would die for this book and it has nothing to do with fallen angels.
3 angels sent from the Heavens; Gabriel, Ivy, and Bethany (are main character) These angels are sent to help the people of a small town by finding and destroying the EVIL
Only things don't go as planned.
First, I think it should be noted that Angels do have the ability to lie. Because these Angels do have the ability to lie. Because these Angels do lie. Now, they don't like a lot nor do they tell major lies but they do lie, white lies. For example, they lied about where they are from; about their parents; and about being human.
Gabriel, Ivy, and Bethany- Beth- are dead set on changing this town and destroying the EVIL, in the literal sense. What' the easiest way to find EVIL- enter high school. And that is just what Gabriel and Beth do. Gabriel as a music teacher and Bath as a student. Remember those plans that went wrong, that started with a boy and some very pretty eyes. This boy is Xavier and I wouldn't trade him for anything. Neither would Beth. If you guess what I just implied... Good Job; if not you should read it again until you do.
Beth, the angel, and Xavier, the human, fall in love. And I'm not talking puppy love. I'm saying head over heels, I'll die for you love. And the book didn't even have to get all Breaking Dawn Part I/ PG-13 for it to happen. If you don't get what I'm trying to say... I'm sorry.
Any who, what's always good about books like this? The love triangles. Our third corner is Jake. Honestly, I love the name Jake and usually all Jake's are good guys. Jake from Halo has tainted the name Jake and I feel so sorry for all the Jakes in the world having to be compared to this guy. But I will give Jake from Halo one thing; he sure can write.
She had the face of an angel
I saw mirrors in her eyes
We were the same, she and I
Both bound by potent lies
In him I saw my future
In him I saw my friend
In him I saw my destiny
Both my beginning and my end
This poem was by Beth and Jake. Jake wrote the first part obviously about Beth, but poor, sweet, I've-only-ever-had-one-crush/boyfriend- Beth couldn't see that until it was too late. Meanwhile, she wrote her part about Xavier.
I love everything about Xavier
- he's protective- usually in a cute way
- sweet
- nice
- seems to be unafraid of almost everything
"Where we come from, people are not judged by their words," Gabriel said
Xavier was unfazed. "Then you'll have to wait and judge me by my actions."
- loves Beth
- and kind of saves the world
What's not to love.
And I just love Beth. Sometimes she's more naïve than me and it's awesome. I wouldn't change anything about her story. Beth has got an unique point of view
"One of the most frustrating words in the human language, as far as I could tell, was love."
And how right you are, Beth.
This book is AWESOME but at one point does go a little slow but trust me when I say it will make it up in the end.
You should read this because yes, your life and the lives of many Americans around you count on it.
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