
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Reviews to come #2

I got new books. Here is a list of more books and reviews to come. Tell me what you think of the list. Does any of these books interest you?

Stray Souls by Kate Griffin
'Don’t look back. It wants you to look back.’
London’s soul has gone missing. Lost? Kidnapped? Murdered? Nobody knows – but when Sharon Li unexpectedly discovers she’s a shaman, she is immediately called upon to use her newfound powers of oneness with the City to rescue it from a slow but inevitable demise.
The problem is, while everyone expects Sharon to have all the answers – from the Midnight Mayor to Sharon’s magically-challenged self-help group – she doesn’t have a clue where to start.
But with London’s soul missing and the Gate open, there are creatures loose that won’t wait for her to catch up before they go hunting.
Stray Souls is the first novel in the Magicals Anonymous series, set in the same fantastical London as the Matthew Swift novels

Minion by L.A. Banks
There is one woman who is all that stands between us and the eternal night. Here is an account of her legend...
All Damali Richards ever wanted to do was create music and bring it to the people. Now she is a spoken word artist and the top act for Warriors of Light Records. But come nightfall, she hunts vampires and demons - predators that people tend to dismiss as myth or fantasy. Damali and her Guardian team cannot afford such delusions, especially now, when a group of rogue vampires has been killing the artists of Warriors of Light and their rival, Blood Music.
When strange attacks erupt within the club drug-trafficking network and draw the attention of the police, Damali realizes these killings are a bit out of the ordinary, even for vampires. Instead of neat puncture marks in the neck showing where the blood has been drained from the body, these corpses are mutilated beyond recognition, indicating a blood lust and thirst for destruction that surpasses any Damali has encountered before. Soon she discovers that behind these brutal murders is the most powerful vampire Damali has ever met - a seductive beast who is coming for her next...

Dealing with Dragons
dealingCimorene is everything a princess is not supposed to be: headstrong, tomboyish, smart - and bored. So bored that she runs away to live with a dragon - and finds the family and excitement she's been looking for

Searching for Dragons
Cimorene, the princess who refuses to be proper, meets her match in the not-quite-kingly Mendanbar. With the aid of a broken-down magic carpet and a leaky magical sword, the two tackle a series of dragon-nappings.

Haven Terra is a brainy, shy high school outcast. But everything begins to change when she turns sixteen. Along with her best friend Dante and their quiet and brilliant classmate Lance, she is awarded a prestigious internship in the big city— Chicago—and is sent to live and work at a swanky and stylish hotel under the watchful eyes of a group of gorgeous and shockingly young-looking strangers: powerful and alluring hotel owner Aurelia Brown; her second-in-command, the dashing Lucian Grove; and their stunning but aloof staff of glamazons called The Outfit.
As Haven begins falling for Lucian, she discovers that these beautiful people are not quite what they seem. With the help of a mysterious book, she uncovers a network of secret passageways from the hotel’s jazz-age past that leads her to the heart of the evil agenda of Aurelia and company: they’re in the business of buying souls. Will they succeed in wooing Haven to join them in their recruitment efforts, or will she be able to thwart this devilish set’s plans to take the souls of her classmates on prom night at the hotel?
Illuminate is an exciting saga of a teen’s first taste of independence, her experience in the lap of luxury, and her discovery she may possess strength greater than she ever knew

Alice in Zombieland by Gena Showalter


If you are thinking this is a twisted version of Alice in Wonderland then you are 50% right. There are a few differences between Alice in Wonderland and Alice in Zombieland.

  1. Alice in Zombieland likes to be called Ali, especially after what happened to her, you will make sure to remember because too many people in this book forget.
  2. Ali doesn’t travel down a hole while following a white rabbit. The zombies, in this story, are in our world; hidden in the spirit realm. The white rabbit, in this story, is a cloud and there is no hole.
  3. Ali has a protective, violet-eyed, toned, sexy, male co-star. I’ve not yet read the story where Alice from Alice in Wonderland has any kind of human male co-star besides the Mad-hater, who doesn’t count.
  4. Ali has special “talents”


One thing is for sure, like Alice, Ali is here to kick some butt and take some names.

When your world comes tumbling down what’s left to do except… FIGHT.

Ali and Kat

Ali – “Uh, I think low maintenance is what’s desirable.”

Kat- “Low maintenance is what’s forgettable. You might want to write that down, underline it, circle it, and put a star by it. It’s golden.”


“Here’s a life lesson for you. Boys always cover for other boys.”

“Life lesson number two. Spying is the best- and only- way to learn the truth.”

“Time to enact Operation Boys Will Cry. Stage one – make them notice us.”

“We can’t really spy on them if they’re not spying on us, now can we?”


Operation Boys Will Cry

Stage 1

part A: Beer

part B: A bump and grind on the dance floor

Stage 2

Fanning the flames of jealousy



“I never should have doubted Kat.”


Ali’s dad’s Fight Rules

  • If you fall, go down swinging
  • Never lose sight of your enemy. You’ll regret it.


Ali is funny. Not the “ha ha” funny but the “OMG you didn’t” kind of funny. “Questions, questions, questions” is her unsaid motto but you will learn to love it along with her co-stars


Cole- This is the violet-eyed male co-star. Worth all dream-drooling because he’s even a gentleman. You’ll fall for him probably faster then Ali and she fell fast.

Kat- Newly made BFF. Who knows nothing and everything. She’s funny also. She’s the rude type of funny, the type that shouldn’t be funny but is.

Frosty- On again, off again boyfriend to Kat. Only they know where their relationship is, well them and EVERYONE around them.

I’d tell you more but there are so many characters you’d want to learn for yourself. Some things are better learned the hard way… the READING WAY

If you don’t read this book… the world just might end. This is Zombie Survival 101. Plus romance, action, friendship, and the meaning of family love.



Return to Paradise by Simone Elkeles



I love these 2!!! Seriously, they’re fun, exciting. They know they love each other but neither will admit it.

8 months after Caleb left, Caleb and Ellie meet again. And instantly sparks start FLYING. They meet on this trip for students to share their story on drunk driving. 4 weeks, it took them 4 weeks in-closed together for them to stop pretending. Caleb broke first. Then Maggie. Yet after the 4 weeks they still break apart. But love will always find you. Follow Caleb and Maggie in another love story.

Caleb and Maggie moments

“If it wasn’t for her, you probably wouldn’t be here lying in wood chips with an ex-con running from the law. You’d be in a warm bed back in the dorm.”

“I like it here with you better.”

He shakes his head. “You’re crazy, you know that?”

“Being with you was never a mistake.” He gives a short laugh. “Hell, being with you kept me sane while I was home. You and Mrs. Reynolds made being in Paradise bearable.”


“I hear you loud and clear. No regrets anymore, okay? Live every day like it’s your last. ? Comprende?”


Maggie needs to get wet. And, to use a Damonism: right now.

Caleb to Maggie

“I’m saying that I love you, Maggie. “ He looks at me through crystal clear eyes. “I was holding back and didn’t want to say it, because I didn’t want you to think I said it as some ploy to make you not date other guys while you’re in Spain.”

“Trust me,” he whispers against my lips. “Maggie, you’re my paradise.”

Now, I’m just a lot Winking smile confused by then ending so if someone could explain it to me that’d be great.

Anyway this is a MUST READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This story really needs no explanation because it is just that good. So I’d advise you to go to your nearest bookstore or library and find this book because it will be worth it.

WARNING: If you haven’t read Leaving Paradise some scenes in here will not make any sense.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Reviews To Come


I just went to the library and got a huge stack of booksSnapshot_20130521_8Snapshot_20130521

This stack includes 8 books

5/8 are first in a series

2/8 are second in a series

1/8 is 7th in a series


The Following are the book I found at my library (which isn’t a very good one. It’s organized badly and doesn’t have many of the recent published books but I’ll get over it…. NOT

Books in  the list are from right to left                                                                                                                                                      KEY

1st in series

2nd in series

7th in series

  1. Across The Universe by Beth Revis
  2. A Wrinkle in Time: The Graphic Novel by Madeleine L’engle/ Adapted and Illustrated by Hope Larson
  3. Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi
  4. Once in a Full Moon by Ellen Schreiber
  5. Magic of the Moonlight by Ellen Schreiber
  6. The Looking Glass Wars by Frank Beddor
  7. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling
  8. The Girl in the Steel Corset by Kady Cross

Keep a look out for my reviews

Friday, May 17, 2013

You Against Me by Jenny Downham

Hey folks...... I'm back with a new review.

I've read a book that I didn't know I would like... this book changed my outlook on somethings and what I think "being strong". This book will go down in my records as LIFE CHANGING!

This book is weird.To me, the title doesn't match the book. This book is about a guy, with a sister, who fell for a girl, with a brother. This guy is named Mikey and this girl is named Ellie. Mikey has a sister named Karyn who was raped by Ellie's brother, Tom. At least that's how the story is told. On second thought, the title does make sense. This story has you hooked from the first Mikey/Ellie encounter until the last. This story seems to have 2 stories entwined and only one gets truly solved by the end.

Character Corner


Mikey is a family man. On the outside he doesn't seem like it but inside he cares about his family and friends more than life.


Ellie cares for her family and doesn't want her brother to go to jail. But spending time with Mikey makes her realize she is missing something from that night. (And yes she was there)

As Mikey and Ellie's life clash together the saying "The heart wants what it wants." starts to make a whole lot of more sense. Mikey and Ellie's relationship is fun sometimes but most of the time they each have to battle their family demons and sacarfice what they want above all - which is each other.



She shook her head at him, "You know what's wrong with you, Mikey?"
"No, Mum, but I bet you're about to tell me."
She took up her fag, knocked off the ash and took a last deep drag, blowing the smoke right at him. "You're not as tough as you think you are."


She felt alive. Not a mermaid. Not someone who combed their hair all day and sat on a frigging rock. She mentally torched that image, watched all the scales catch fire and shimmer silver before sinking beneath the water.
She'd emerged as Phoenix from the X-men movie - the one with the red eyes, so angry that she's off the scale, able to destroy the universe with the power of her mind.
And if she was Phoenix, then anything could happen next.


"I'll tell you my little sister's favorite joke," he said
"Go on then."
"Ok, what do you call a sheep with no legs?"
"I give up."
"A cloud"


She smiled wearily at him "I think someone finally stole your heart, didn't they, Mikey?"
He rolled his eyes "Go to bed, Mum."
"I always said you weren't as tough as you made out."
"Serious, go to bed."


"Listen," he said, "Karyn's out of the flat loads, she has tons of support, and yes, I know your brother's pleading not guilty and yes, the court case will be a nightmare, and yes, your dad's a tosser and yes, my mom still drinks sherry for breakfast and hides it in the airing cupboard and hopes non of us notice. Miracles don't happen overnight, Ellie, and we don't have to fling it in Karyn's face, but maybe we can grab something good out of this while we can?"


He felt perfectly happy as he walked side by side with Ellie, their fingers occasionally brushing, electricity building between them. It was the first time for days; maybe the first time in all his life, that he didn't want to change anything

I love these two
And you will 2
You Against Me by Jenny Downham

Leaving Paradise by Simone Elkeles

WOW! Simone Elkeles has done it once again. This book was actually, made in 2007 but I’m just now reading it and like I said Simone Elekles has done it AGAIN!! This lady has a serious gift from the angels. She has once again pulled you in from the beginning.
This is the cover of the book I read.

This cover looks better
Our characters this time are Caleb and Maggie. Once again the story is told in both of their points of view.
We start our story with Caleb. Caleb is going to a meeting for his “Get out of jail free card.” Yep, the story starts at the end of a story, only to start a new one. His life is balancing on whether or not these people-judges- believe him or not. (You’re probably wondering what they need to believe Caleb on… I’d tell you but it like a MAJOR MAJOR detail in the story. It would be rude on my part if I told you what happened- and didn’t happen). 
Then we meet Maggie while she is in her physical therapy meeting. The thing is, she messed up her leg. Actually, she was ran over by a car driven by … Caleb. Okay, close your mouth, you know Caleb and Maggie had to connect somehow.
Then, for their senior year Caleb and Maggie meet again. Caleb’s out of jail and Maggie is going back to school. Then fate puts them in the same room. Literally. Then fate starts playing a serious game of puppets, pulling Caleb and Maggie’s strings for enjoyment.Not that I'm complaining or anything, I just think the fact should be mentioned.

Now I don't usually do this, but the back cover of this book was just.....

 What happens when
The person who damaged
You for life...
Becomes the person you
Trust the most?
If that doesn't give you any hints I really don't know what will. Elkeke, steps away from gangs but is still into troubled teens. Then again, troubled teens make for interesting books, movies, and life. And AWARD WINNING ONES- just saying ;D
This story was strange in a good way. It started off one way; then too-many-things-to-report happened in the middle, and the end was just like "WHOA!!! that did not just happen!"
SERIOUSLY!!! I mean, COME and ON, but in some ways it was just what the book needed- a SERIOUSLY DRAMATIC ENDING.
At first, I didn't think I was going to like this book, but this one of those times I'm glad I was wrong.(And I'm not usually nor do I like being wrong)
Now the part I love like the next normal human being quotes
The Following quotes are found in Maggie's POV
All I know is that I have more nails and plastic inside me than the average tool box.
She nods her head, let's out a long breath, then leans back in the booth. "I see. Well, dearie, maybe one day your luck will change."
Yeah, right. All I need is a little magic dust and a fairy godmother. I'm not holding my breath for either of those.
"I went to jail for hitting Maggie with my car while I was drunk," Caleb says, reappearing in the doorway.
Mrs. Reynolds makes tsking noises, then says, "My, my, we are in a pickle aren't we?"
(I <3 Mrs. Reynolds... this old lady is just awesome!)
The following quote is found in Caleb's POV and is the <3 MOMENT
"Are you following me?" she asks, but doesn't meet my gaze
"Yeah," I say
She looks at me, her eyebrows raised.
I give her the only honest and true answer I have. "You're where I want to be."
That is truly a heart moment... Caleb is so awesome and Maggie is so strong. These two together makes for a whole lot of GREAT BOOK. Don't believe me- fine I'm not hurt *WEEP* ;D - read it for yourself. Oh, and when I turn out right... DON'T doubt me AGAIN!!!!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Meridian by Amber Kizer

Meridian by Amber Kizer

Meridian by Amber Kizer is an interesting read. I mean, it starts off with a girl named Meridian always being near when the dead showed up. Then, she is almost run over by a car. Next thing anyone knows, she’s being shipped off to her Great Aunt’s without her parents or adorable little baby brother. She runs into a wolf, some strangely friendly people, a jerk, and a show. As the story progress the characters grow as people. There are deaths, confusion, and hauntings as Meridian grows and becomes what she is. I’d tell you what it is but  its more fun finding out by yourself. Anyway, Tens is the male interest in this semi-action packed/ romance/ fantasy book. He’s the Protector and I mean that as literal as it can get. But he’s not exactly a hero; he is a jerk to Meridian. This causes very funny and eventful conversations.

“Uh-huh, and am I human, or from Mars?”
Auntie giggled like a school girl. “Mars?”
“You’re from Venus, Supergirl, or haven’t you heard?” Tens tossed out
“Shut up,” I snapped “Just stop teasing me.”

Now don’t get me wrong
Tens isn’t all that bad but Meridian is like super sensitive and I like Meridian more than Tens therefore I’m siding with her; which makes him a jerk.

There is drama but not the High School kind. And that's really all I’m going to say. But be warned this book it’s not for everyone and it is kinda boring at some points but the author makes it up in other parts. And the second book of this series is 2x better than the first but you have to read the first to understand the second.
Okay that’s really all I have to say. It’s not a Must Read but it is a SHOULD READ.
Okay, really BYE!!!!!!!!!!

Inbetween by Tara Fuller

Inbetween by Tara Fuller

Inbetween by Tara Fuller

Reapers! There aren’t many reaper books compared to vampire books or werewolf books. Actually, I’ve only read four books with reappears in it and three of them were from the same series (Existence, Predestined, and Ceaseless). This book is the fourth in my collection of reaper books and oh so different.

Our lovely story starts off with Finn, the reaper. He is a reaper for the Inbetween. The Inbetween is the place souls go when they aren’t fully developed. It is the place between heaven and hell.
The interesting thing about the reapers in this story is that a large portion of them are doing this job to buy their personal tickets out of hell. The actual word to word reason is in the book- IDK why I just told you that but it is important you know.

More importantly let us talk about names. Finn, our main male, what kind of name is Finn? Names like this leave you wondering too much. Finn is the name of the type of person who hides secrets. It’s the type of name that means trouble.

The main female character is Emma. The same question applies here. Emma is the name of a princess or a girl with too much past and not enough future. That is until they meet trouble. But I wouldn’t have any other names and you wouldn’t either as you fall in love with both characters.

The story behind this lovely novel starts with a name, Allison. And … I’m not even going to get started with the name Allison. We really don’t have the time and the story will slowly be revealed AUR (as you read).
That’s pretty much all I can tell you with revealing too much. But I won’t leave you hanging, here are some quotes. In order of persons’’ POV; not in order of how it happened in the story.

Finn’s POV
I let my thumbs brush down her arms and she gasped. Fireworks ignited across the laces I touched. Emma’s eyes opened. Glistening with wonder. Wide with fear.
“Trust me,” I said “You’re that girl.”

“No.” I stumbled back and Scout gripped my shoulders I couldn’t … I wouldn’t let her do this. I’d been to Hell and back for this girl. Literally.

Emma laughed and scratched the back of my head. “For me?”
I grinned […] I knew in my heart, down to the pit of my soul, that I die for that sound. I’d die for this girl. I looked up at Emma and she arched a brow at me.
“For you?” I asked, brushing my lips against hers. “For you I’d do anything.”

Emma mom’s story
“No.” She stirred the spaghetti sause I had on the stove, the turned back to me. “No, first I spilled hot soup on him. And the he kissed me.”
(Funny, NO?)

Emma’s POV
“Because if I touch you, I won’t be able to stop touching you.”
I pulled my head away but never broke eye contact. I didn’t want to lose this feeling that was making me dizzy all over. Not trusting my hands, I folded them between my face and the pillow. “Then just stay with me, “I said
Finn nodded against the pillow. “Okay.”

“Why me?” I finally decided to ask. “What made me different?”
“Before you, there was only dark.” He stopped, but his voice was still unsteady when he started again. “You lit up my whole world, like the sun bursting through the clouds on a stormy day. You made me remember what it was like to feel alive. You made me believe I was something more than death. You made me believe in something that I didn’t think existed anymore.”

Finn scooted across the seat. I felt the warmth of his lips shimmer against my cheek. “I’ll always come back to you, Emma?

PS: pay real attention to the details and conversations of this book. There is some major foreshadowing in this book that I didn’t notice until it was too late.


PG-13------ It is only Twilight, PG-13. Light and kind of Tween-ish except for a few scenes.

A------ This story was cuter than anything and when a reaper is in love with a human I expect something more… It could be good or bad.

41/2 carts------ My emotions were really all over the parking lot.

5 hearts------ the romance was completely awesome. Cute and sudden (sort of). Let’s say it’s a complicated love story, then again those are the best kind.

5 stars------ Some things just don’t need words. This is one of those things. It’s either you like it or you don’t. There is no inbetween when it comes to this book. Okay, I didn’t realize what I did until after I did it. HONEST!!!!!

Through the Ever Night

Through the Ever Night Review

OMG I don’t think I should be this in love with just the cover but I am. Look at it. It’s so PRETTY!!!!

And inside it just gets better. Aria and Perry are finally together after MONTHS of separation- I mean who does that. Love separated for months I felt like dying after I read that from the summary. Dear Lord I’m emotional today LOL-, but for a reason beyond my control they once again have to separate. Aria and Roar go on a journey to find the love of Roar’s life, Liv. (If you haven’t already you should read Roar and Liv’s story which is out already). Meanwhile, Percy stays and tries to run the tribe. Back and forth between Aria and Percy’s POV, we are given a strong amazing thrill as we travel through their world once again.

Now I’m not going to talk that much about it because it’s one of those books that need no Review or Explanation. It is just the GOOD.

There are new characters, new events and new CRAZY. If you haven’t read UNDER THE NEVER SKY you need to read that before this, then get your butt to the nearest store that sells books and get THROUGH THE EVER NIGHT because you will NEED this book after the first one.
Then, the final thing that drags you to the edge. The author decide that she give us the worst gift in all America. This book ends in a CLIFF HANGER. Actually, it ends in one of the worst cliff hangers I’ve ever read and I’ve read a lot of books.

Now the favorite part- Quotes-

Aria laughed. That was attractive. She smelled like horse. “Do you ever miss anything?”
Perry smiled. “You, all the time.”

Okay how cute are they. Perry is so sweet, charming, nice, protective, and he runs a tribe. How many girls can say that their boyfriend/love of their life runs a tribe? Not many.

This is an Oh Perry Moment. It’s not good people, not good at all. I think you should know before you get any ideas that this girl is not Aria. She has no relation to Aria. And her actions, at this moment, are FAR from anything concerning Aria. I’d label this girl a grade A slut but that’s mean and it’s not like anything was acted upon after this but trust me when I say. The second you meet this chick you’re going to want to slap her and you will instantly know what she wants, how she plans to get it, and the fact that she is the “she” in the following quote

He tensed when she touched his arm, though he’d expected it. She slid her hand down his arm. Then she wrapped them around her back and stepped in, closing the space between them.

Now don’t get me wrong Perry is to blame for this but who can stay mad at Perry for long. So I decided that my hate will go towards that slut. I totally forgot her name the second they said but it doesn’t matter because any girl who wants to break Aria and Perry up deserves all hate.

I LOVED this book and you will too.

PG-13........ it’s a low PG-13 like the Golden Compass- you know the movie- but it’s not for little kids as you can tell from UNDER THE NEVER SKY
A++........ it’s so good there is no need for an explanation
5 carts........ OMG my emotions were all over the place. I felt like I was going through huge roller coaster loops over and over not-stop
5 eyes........ the cover is just JUICY such eye- candy *sigh*
5 hearts........ the romance is sweet and awesome and COMPLICATED. There are a couple of slips, MISTAKES, and plain WOW’s
5 stars........ think of the best thing that ever happened to you times that by everything that is good then add the best thing that happened yesterday take that number and times by the whole equation. That is how AMAZING this book is.

Let us not forget the C L I F F H A N G E R!!!!!!

Chain Reaction by Simone Elkeles

Chain Reaction by Simone Elkeles

First, I like to point out that I did read Rules of Attraction and I LOVED it but I read it on e-book and its kinds hard to pull quotes from that; then again I could have wrote a review without quotes but honestly where is the fun in that. Rules of Attraction is the story of Carlos and Kiara and its sooo cute. Read it and you will love it. TRUST ME!

Okay back to Chain Reaction

Guess whose back for another book of the AWESOME series Perfect Chemistry. In this book we get to be properly introduced to the last brother of the family, Luis. Luis is cute, funny, and bad. I mean that in a serious way. He is like a sneaky bad which is cool. Around his family he’s smart, sweet, and caring but around his friends he’s a daredevil, lady’s man, and … bad. The story really starts at the wedding of our two beloved characters Alex and Brittany. It is there that Luis first meets Nikki.

Sadly, Nikki doesn’t get a happy introduction like Luis. Her story starts freshman year but, unlike Luis, on a beach crying as her boyfriend breaks her heart. She meets Luis and they have the usual yet always funny and unique Fuentes Brother’s Romance SPARK.
Nikki is fun and as always looked to as a challenge from Luis. This story takes a new road in bringing in the audience. The characters separate after their time together as the funny, nerve racking and obviously AMAZING Alex and Brittany wedding only to me 3 years later; In their senior year, in the only and only, Mrs. Peterson’s Chemistry Class.

Well on a bright side at the beginning of the story Luis isn’t in a gang or wants to be in gang. That is before it becomes a matter of protecting his mother (who BTW is having an INTRESTING relationship with the neighborly cop-with a secret.)

I feel I need to give Nikki a little love before we all forget about the power of all the young ladies who meet our special boys of these WONDERFUL books. Nikki is strong and independent. Her life seems to be the most normal from the other two girls (Brittany and Kiara). The only thing differencing them is Nikki’s past. And I won’t tell you what it is because it’s a major detail to Nikki and Luis’ love life. Anyway, as the story goes on things heat up. Along with Luis being pals with Nikki’s ex, who ruined her life, Nikki makes it a whole new challenge for Luis. But knowing these Fuentes Brothers “Everything gonna be al ’right”. And besides the Fuentes boys ALWAYS GET THE GIRL.
Now the part we’ve been waiting for… Quotes:

“Heroes are just made-up characters in fairy tales. They don’t exist. At least in my universe they don’t. Luis is close to being one today, though.

Kendal gave me an understanding, sympathetic look. “Just remember that if it was meant to be, it’s all good!"

Luis and Nikki
Luis: “No you don’t get it.” … “I don’t want to be with anyone else, mi chava, I want you to be my girlfriend.”
Nikki: “Really?”
Luis: “Yeah, really.”

Luis: “You did an awesome Job.”…
Nikki: You’re lying. It sucked. Face reality, Luis. I should have ordered takeout. If you were Mrs. Peterson you’d give me a D minus on this meal.”
He laughs “An A plus for effort…”

I beat you didn’t know that Luis does poetry. I know I didn’t. Here is the poem he wrote about Nikki.

Nobody really knows her
Except the chosen few
Her secrets are kept hidden
Behind that sun-kissed hue

If I reach out to touch her
She’ll just run away
My Forever and Always
Will have to wait another day

How cute is that. God, I want someone to want that good of a poem about me- even if I don’t find out about it. It’s really the thought that counts
The final quote I have is from the epilogue in this final book of the Perfect Chemistry Series. And all I have to say is like father, like son

As soon as Junior takes the ice, Alex pats Luis on the shoulder. “You know what’s about to happen, don’t you?”
Luis nods
“Look on the bright side, “Carlos says. “She’s got one hell of a right hook. With her on your team, your family is bond to win the annual Pantry Discus tournament.”

First, I like to say if you actually thought that was the last thing I was going to say, I’m sorry but I say that a lot when I gonna keep talking. Second, Luis, Alex, and Carlos are talking about the Fuentes Brother’s Romance SPARK that just happened between Luis’ son, Junior, and a girl. Love is the greatest forms.

PG-13........ if you’ve read the previous two books, you know why. If you haven’t read the other two, let’s call it the 2011 Red Riding Hood type of PG-13
A++........ I love any book that gets me addicted by the 2nd chapter.
5 carts........ My emotions are still recovering
5 eyes........ The cover is so different. If anything, you’d pick up the cover to figure out why they were in a shower- clothed
5 hearts........ Their romance is so cute but it also made me want to go through the book and slap them both
5 stars........ So OVERLY AWESOME it needs a completely different name

PS: Nikki and Luis story will leave you SPEECHLESS to a degree you’ve NEVER FELT (okay, dramatic moment over)