First, I like to point out that I did read Rules of Attraction and I LOVED it but I read it on e-book and its kinds hard to pull quotes from that; then again I could have wrote a review without quotes but honestly where is the fun in that. Rules of Attraction is the story of Carlos and Kiara and its sooo cute. Read it and you will love it. TRUST ME!
Okay back to Chain Reaction
Guess whose back for another book of the AWESOME series Perfect Chemistry. In this book we get to be properly introduced to the last brother of the family, Luis. Luis is cute, funny, and bad. I mean that in a serious way. He is like a sneaky bad which is cool. Around his family he’s smart, sweet, and caring but around his friends he’s a daredevil, lady’s man, and … bad. The story really starts at the wedding of our two beloved characters Alex and Brittany. It is there that Luis first meets Nikki.
Sadly, Nikki doesn’t get a happy introduction like Luis. Her story starts freshman year but, unlike Luis, on a beach crying as her boyfriend breaks her heart. She meets Luis and they have the usual yet always funny and unique Fuentes Brother’s Romance SPARK.
Nikki is fun and as always looked to as a challenge from Luis. This story takes a new road in bringing in the audience. The characters separate after their time together as the funny, nerve racking and obviously AMAZING Alex and Brittany wedding only to me 3 years later; In their senior year, in the only and only, Mrs. Peterson’s Chemistry Class.
Well on a bright side at the beginning of the story Luis isn’t in a gang or wants to be in gang. That is before it becomes a matter of protecting his mother (who BTW is having an INTRESTING relationship with the neighborly cop-with a secret.)
I feel I need to give Nikki a little love before we all forget about the power of all the young ladies who meet our special boys of these WONDERFUL books. Nikki is strong and independent. Her life seems to be the most normal from the other two girls (Brittany and Kiara). The only thing differencing them is Nikki’s past. And I won’t tell you what it is because it’s a major detail to Nikki and Luis’ love life. Anyway, as the story goes on things heat up. Along with Luis being pals with Nikki’s ex, who ruined her life, Nikki makes it a whole new challenge for Luis. But knowing these Fuentes Brothers “Everything gonna be al ’right”. And besides the Fuentes boys ALWAYS GET THE GIRL.
Now the part we’ve been waiting for… Quotes:
“Heroes are just made-up characters in fairy tales. They don’t exist. At least in my universe they don’t. Luis is close to being one today, though.
Kendal gave me an understanding, sympathetic look. “Just remember that if it was meant to be, it’s all good!"
Luis and Nikki
Luis: “No you don’t get it.” … “I don’t want to be with anyone else, mi chava, I want you to be my girlfriend.”
Nikki: “Really?”
Luis: “Yeah, really.”
Luis: “You did an awesome Job.”…
Nikki: You’re lying. It sucked. Face reality, Luis. I should have ordered takeout. If you were Mrs. Peterson you’d give me a D minus on this meal.”
He laughs “An A plus for effort…”
I beat you didn’t know that Luis does poetry. I know I didn’t. Here is the poem he wrote about Nikki.
Nobody really knows her
Except the chosen few
Her secrets are kept hidden
Behind that sun-kissed hue
If I reach out to touch her
She’ll just run away
My Forever and Always
Will have to wait another day
How cute is that. God, I want someone to want that good of a poem about me- even if I don’t find out about it. It’s really the thought that counts
The final quote I have is from the epilogue in this final book of the Perfect Chemistry Series. And all I have to say is like father, like son
As soon as Junior takes the ice, Alex pats Luis on the shoulder. “You know what’s about to happen, don’t you?”
Luis nods
“Look on the bright side, “Carlos says. “She’s got one hell of a right hook. With her on your team, your family is bond to win the annual Pantry Discus tournament.”
First, I like to say if you actually thought that was the last thing I was going to say, I’m sorry but I say that a lot when I gonna keep talking. Second, Luis, Alex, and Carlos are talking about the Fuentes Brother’s Romance SPARK that just happened between Luis’ son, Junior, and a girl. Love is the greatest forms.
PG-13........ if you’ve read the previous two books, you know why. If you haven’t read the other two, let’s call it the 2011 Red Riding Hood type of PG-13
A++........ I love any book that gets me addicted by the 2nd chapter.
5 carts........ My emotions are still recovering
5 eyes........ The cover is so different. If anything, you’d pick up the cover to figure out why they were in a shower- clothed
5 hearts........ Their romance is so cute but it also made me want to go through the book and slap them both
5 stars........ So OVERLY AWESOME it needs a completely different name
PS: Nikki and Luis story will leave you SPEECHLESS to a degree you’ve NEVER FELT (okay, dramatic moment over)
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